



  • 實況旅人破解版遊戲介紹 【遊戲介紹】
    《實況旅人》是一款模擬真實社群平台運作的關卡式 RPG。遊戲中玩家將扮演一位新手實況主,試著從各種冒險中獲取關注與訂閱,朝著成為人氣網紅的目標前進。玩家同時會面臨許多當代社群平台發生的現象如網路輿論、群眾獵巫與同溫層效應,隨著故事的發展一步步揭露王國的命運。







    ?2019 京都 BitSummit 7 Spirits | 官方入選
    ?2020 台北電玩展 最佳手機遊戲 | 獲獎
    ?2020 台北電玩展 最佳劇情 | 入圍
    ?2020 IMGA Global 國際行動遊戲大獎 | 入圍



    服務條款: https://www.ccddh.com/
    隱私權政策: https://www.ccddh.com/

    ? 2020 遊戲熵股份有限公司(Gamtropy Co., Ltd.)版權所有。




    I downloaded this game for the concept and was not disappointed.
    Subscribe to my Adventure puts a refreshing modern spin on the traditional RPG format. Quests and storylines are delivered through the interactive in-game social media experience known as Halbook. The graphics of the user interface, battle accessories, and NPCs are all done in a welcoming art style. The game makes sure not to take itself too seriously while also delivering a brutally realistic commentary on the use of social media.
    - Beautiful art style
    - Fun storyline and characters
    - Excellent writing
    - Humorous social commentary
    - Free-to-play with few ads
    Gamtropy has delivered a high-quality gaming experience at none of the cost; ads only appear in the Halbook feed and are unobtrusive. There are no pop-ups, which is amazing for a game of such high caliber.
    To support the game, I've bought their book When Halbook Talks.

    The only criticisms I can give are that a few of the English text is written strangely, the formatting of some items' descriptions are cut off, the game could benefit from a short tutorial segment about battle items/blacksmithing, and my book arrived a little dented.

    Thank you so much Gamtropy! This game is an absolute treat.


