



  • 史努比泡泡破解版遊戲介紹 這裡有史努比、查理?布朗及更多你最愛的《史努比》漫畫角色,快來跟他們一起玩《史努比泡泡》!這款可愛的全新泡泡射擊遊戲,給你多種趣味無窮的遊玩模式!爆破泡泡,享受花生幫為你準備的歡樂時光!


    - 超過 800 個趣味橫生的關卡,更多新關卡即將推出!
    - 探險精彩豐富的街坊鄰里!
    - 《史努比》系列原版音樂!
    - 全新的遊戲模式,包含所有你最愛的史努比角色!
    - 收集《史努比》漫畫角色、遊戲道具、強化器等豐富內容!
    - 擊敗紅色男爵,成為世界知名的「王牌飛行員」!
    - 使用海灘球炸彈,快速通過任何泡泡挑戰!
    - 經典《史努比》漫畫故事主題遊戲內活動,假日還會再加碼,讓你重溫兒時回憶!
    - 別忘了常回來查看新的角色和關卡……每週都會更新!


    開發者資訊:Jam City 是跨平台社交遊戲開發領導品牌!也試試我們其他款免費三消益智遊戲吧!動動手、動動腦,掃除障礙,遊歷不斷擴張的新世界!另外也別忘了常回來,看看我們又追加了哪些新遊戲!在每一場全新益智冒險中過關斬將吧。




    I have buy the credit but no items come,and I asked for help,they told me to renew app,but still nothing,finally,I have no any options to reinstall it,they said they can make a items come back,but 1day later,they told me they regret,nothing will return,then close the conversation,is this cheating?anyone told me how can I get my money back?
    8/30 bought it,9/7told me nothing can return,it take 8days,It's too late to make app refund,this is cheating app,carefully!


    嗨,我很抱歉给您带来不便,请查看我们网站上的一些可能有助于解决此问题的故障排除步骤https://jamcity.helpshift.com/a/snoopy-pop/或者请为我们的支持创建服务票证 团队,点击齿轮图标,点击支持。


    My device is iPhone 6 and the game has crashed down in the middle or end of a round for many times. Can't you imagine the feel when you just won and all of a sudden the game just crashed? I will never consider spending a penny before the issue solved.


    Hi Chris, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, please visit our website https://jamcity.helpshift.com/a/snoopy-pop/ where you can find some troubleshooting steps to fix this situation, also you can create a service ticket to our Support Team. From your game go to the Settings Menu and select the Support Button.
